Bangsa Israel bebas dari perbudakan Firaun di Mesir, karena doa ratap tangis

Bangsa Israel bebas dari perbudakan firaun di Mesir, karena doa ratap tangis mereka di dengar oleh Tuhan. Doa ratap tangis mereka adalah IMAN mereka dan itulah kekuatan mereka. Awalnya kebanyakan bangsa Israel tidak percaya akan pengutusan nabi Musa. Tetapi karena Allah melakukan 10 tulah melalui perantaraan nabi Musa, maka mereka yg tadinya tidak percaya, akhirnya … Read more

Beriman Melampaui Kemampuan Fisik dan Akal Manusia

Mujizat menjadi nyata bagi orang percaya dengan sungguh sungguh. Nubuatan untuk masa depan bangsa Papua sudah jelas. Tetapi banyak orang Papua kurang percaya dengan nubuatan nubuatan itu. Ingat: rencana, ketetapan dan janji Tuhan itu ya dan amin. Ramalan berbeda dengan nubuatan dari Tuhan. Ramalan dari para normal itu percaya barulah terjadi. Tetapi nubuatan dari Tuhan … Read more

New Volunteer Opportunities

Donating money isn’t the only way to give to charitable organizations, many of whom rely on volunteers for various services. If you find yourself with free time on your hands on your weekend, or during the week, you could consider putting in some community service. Not only will you help a good cause, but it … Read more

Celebrate Microvolunteering Day

You want to get involved and give back to the community, but can’t fit another big commitment into your busy schedule? Then microvolunteering might just be the thing. Microvolunteering is a small, bite-sized task or project, that is quick and easy to perform. Best of all there’s a range of things you could do online, … Read more

Sem Karoba: “Wantok System” Defines whether or not I am Really a Melanesian Person

Many Melanesian leaders and thinkers have been brainwashed to think that “Wantok System” is nepotism, and therefore Wantok System should be wiped out from Melanesian peoples in all aspects of life. Sem Karoba argues that it is “Wantok System that defines Melanesian peoples as Melanesians”. Karoba says, If you hate Wantok System, then you should … Read more

Democracy concept lost

DEVELOPED democratic countries such as the US and UK elect leaders on merit and on certain requirements -especially policies.They elect people who know how to run a democracy. More so they have citizens who know and understand how democracy works. Having said that, it’s quite conflicting and contradictory to adopt a political system that is … Read more

Reflecting on the Wantok System after 40 years of community

Posted By Milton Ragaruma – By Derek Mane at the Island Sun ON the morning of July 7, 1978, Solomon Islanders in various locations throughout the country lower the Union Jack and raised the Solomon Islands flag. A birth of a new nation, 40 years later to be ravaged by a civil conflict in 1999 to 2003, … Read more